Emergent Curriculum is planning the focus of learning according to the result of teachers’ observations and the interactions between teachers and children, with both contributing ideas and reacting to them.

Teachers follow the children’s lead, then introduce new and exciting activities to sustain their interests and deepen their explorations.
The organization of the classrooms as well as time for the children to choose their activities allows freedom to explore areas of interest and help to develop children’s independence.

Our long-term goals cover the four areas given below. Each child is extensively observed and programs are developed based on the interests and development of each child.
We aim to provide children with excellent language models, which encourage them to speak and listen. The home language of the child is openly encouraged. Language development is fostered through: group discussion, conversations between adults and peers, story telling and music.
Children are given the opportunity to explore and experiment with a variety of resources. Thinking and problem-solving skills are developed through the use of open questioning. Skills are developed in different areas of the room ie: reading area, construction area, dramatic play, art/craft experiences and motor activities.
Physical development is enhanced through motor activities both indoors and outdoors. These varied activities develop large muscles and small muscles, fostering growth and spatial awareness.
The children are involved in positive experiences with adults and their peers. Through interaction children develop positive attitudes towards themselves, their families, their peers, and the community as a whole. Children are provided with opportunities to learn about their emotions and about empathy for others. They are given the opportunities to learn how to express themselves appropriately and learn self-discipline.

The children have many opportunities to spend time in small groups and are encouraged to solve problems in their own relationships and interactions.
Circle times and small group activities enhance the program with stories, creative movement, songs, and hands on experiences.
Teachers are always available to assist the children to find solutions when appropriate